Faysal Al Hasan

Designer and Photographer

 Final year Web Media student in Bahrain Polytechnic. Highly Skilled in creative digital software, including photo editing in Adobe Photoshop, logo and posts design in Illustrator, and video editing Premiere Pro and After Effects. Demonstrated Success with with Photography and Videography through personal work and projects done during my studies.

2022 - Junior editor and animator at I Heart Films

I have freelanced my work since 2016, working on projects such as:

2022 - Sticker designs for Overheat Chicken

2020 - Logo Design and Style guide for Shift & Fix

2020 - Painted indoor mural in Ikea Bahrain

2020 - photographed and set up an Instagram Exhibition for Hamad Saad Alhasan Artwork

2016 - Kiosk design for 1725 Waffle House

What's with the logo?

It is an inside joke about what makes a table a table, and how a chair can occasionally be a table. 

I use that joke as a metaphor to my multi disciplined skillset, how the techniques learned from one skill compliment another. 

Just like how a chair can occasionally be a good table, an animator can occasionally be a really good video editor. 

Contact Me

Feel Free to contact me on:


@faysal.jpeg - @faysaldotco

+973 3221  4690