Videos & Animations

The Advocates

An animation project made for I Heart Film's documentary focusing the volunteers of the Bahraini domestic violence hotline Shamsaha (formerly known as WCCI). 

The animations were made to be used as a transition marker between each chapter of the film, while stating some facts relevant to the film's topic.

Made using Procreate and After Effects.

Rise Of the Food Truck

A 10 minute documentary done for the Advanced Audio & Video course in Bahrain Polytechnic. The film explores the rise of food trucks in Bahrain during the pandemic, and discusses how that increase in popularity effected the owners and customers, and the problems that came with it.

This project was directed and edited by me, with the help of my team, Nassur and Haitham. The video was planned and researched prior to shooting, including a storyboard for all the animations. The video was completed in the span of 10 days.